The practice | |
Practice Appointments | 01634 720220 |
Practice General Enquiries | 01634 720220 |
Medway OCC (out-of-hours medical treatment) | 111 |
District Nurses | 0300 123 3444 option 1 then option 3 |
Health Visitors | 0300 123 3444 option 1 then option 4 |
Midwife Liaison | 01634 825114 |
Hospitals | |
Medway Maritime Hospital | 01634 830000 |
Maidstone General Hospital | 01622 729000 |
The Spire Hospital | 01634 685040 |
Darent Valley Hospital | 01322 428100 |
Somerfield Hospital | 01622 208000 |
Local Chemists | |
Boots | 01634 717367 |
Kamsons | 01634730090 |
Bryant Road Pharmacy | 01634 718039 |
Hobbs Pharmacy | 01634 714455 |
Williams | 01634 718221 |
Tesco | 01634 903001 |
Other Services | |
Age Concern | 01634 724828 |
Alcoholics Anonymous | 0845 769 7555 |
Childline | 0800 1111 |
Cruse Bereavement Care | 01634 818080 |
Hands | 01634 830371 |
Relate | 01634 846914 |
Samaritans | 0845 7909 090 |
Social Services | 01634 334466 |
Smoking Quitline | 01795 433785 |
NHS Direct Advice Line | 0845 4647 |