Useful Numbers

The practice
Practice Appointments01634 720220
Practice General Enquiries01634 720220
Medway OCC (out-of-hours medical treatment)111
District Nurses0300 123 3444 option 1 then option 3
Health Visitors0300 123 3444 option 1 then option 4
Midwife Liaison01634 825114
Medway Maritime Hospital01634 830000
Maidstone General Hospital01622 729000
The Spire Hospital01634 685040
Darent Valley Hospital01322 428100
Somerfield Hospital01622 208000
Local Chemists
Boots01634 717367
Bryant Road Pharmacy01634 718039
Hobbs Pharmacy01634 714455
Williams01634 718221
Tesco01634 903001
Other Services
Age Concern01634 724828
Alcoholics Anonymous0845 769 7555
Childline0800 1111
Cruse Bereavement Care01634 818080
Hands01634 830371
Relate01634 846914
Samaritans0845 7909 090
Social Services01634 334466
Smoking Quitline01795 433785
NHS Direct Advice Line0845 4647