
If you’re unhappy with our service, let us know

If you’re not happy with how you were treated by our doctors or staff, including those from our primary care network, please contact the surgery and ask to speak to our practice manager. We use a complaints process that follows NHS guidelines.

How to speak up

Most problems can be resolved quickly and easily when they arise and with the person involved. If that doesn’t fix it, or you’re ready to make an official complaint, let us know as soon as possible. The sooner we hear from you, the easier it is to understand what happened. Please share details of your concern:

  • Within six months of the incident happening, or
  • Within six months of realising there is a problem, as long as it’s within 12 months of the incident.

You can voice your complaints to us verbally or in writing addressed to the practice manager. Alternatively, consider making an appointment with the practice manager who will discuss the complaints procedure with you and make sure your concerns are dealt with properly.

Our complaints process

We’ll confirm receiving your complaint within three working days.

We then aim to investigate and share findings within ten working days since you raised the complaint.

We’ll find out what happened, what went wrong, and offer you a chance to chat with the people involved. We’ll also apologise if appropriate, and look at how what we can do to make sure the problem does not happen again.

Speaking for someone else?

We take medical confidentiality seriously. If you’re complaining for someone else, we’ll need to know you have their permission, proven with a signed note from them.

Talk to NHS England

If you aren’t comfortable raising the concern with us, you can directly contact NHS England. You can find more information on how to make a complaint through NHS England at

Not satisfied with how we’ve addressed your complaint?

If you’re unhappy with our response or NHS England’s, consider reaching out to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO). PHSO is an independent service and they make the final verdict on unresolved NHS complaints in England. It’s free for anyone to use.

To take your complaint to the Ombudsman, visit the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman website or call 0345 015 4033.

Need help making a complaint?

Ask for help from Healthwatch Hounslow in finding independent NHS complaint advocacy services in your area. Or, call POhWER at 0300 456 2370, a charity that assists people in managing their healthcare decisions.