April 2024 Patient Newsletter

💬 Would patients recommend Apex?
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Friends and Family Test in January and February. The results can be found here. As a team, we read every single bit of feedback because it makes a real difference to the practice. If you’ve had an appointment with us in March, why not tell us what you think as well – it only takes a few seconds!

💆🏻 Want less stress in April?
Everyone manages stress differently, no matter what the source is but it’s important to try and recognise the signs and know where you can go for help. April is Stress Awareness Month so there will be lots of information online about stress and how to manage it. Here’s what the NHS says about stress. Working in a high-pressure environment like we do at Apex, we’re no strangers to stress and while a little daily stress is actually good for us, spotting when it tips over into ‘unhelpful’ is key.
If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed at work, we recommend you start by talking to your employer. They have a duty of care to ensure you don’t burn out from stress, even if the source of stress is coming from outside of work. Good employers will adjust your workload or direct you to Employee Assistance Programmes, which can help you access counselling and therapy services quickly, without having to wait for NHS talking therapies which can sometimes be a few weeks.
If it’s been a few weeks and the things you’re trying yourself aren’t helping or you’re struggling to cope, please make an appointment with one of the GPs at the surgery to discuss it. Severe stress can affect us all at different stages of life so please remember, you are not alone.

🧠 How’s your mental wellbeing today?
There are lots of little things we can all do to take care of our mental wellbeing. The following simple suggestions from Every Mind Matters can make a big difference:
Getting enough rest
Make sure you have enough downtime before bed and a good sleep routine with a regular bedtime and wake-up time. Even at weekends.
Being aware of unhelpful thoughts
Learn to ask yourself whether your thoughts are helpful or not? Is there a different way to see the situation? What would you say to a friend?
Living a healthy lifestyle
Eating well and getting enough exercise for your physical health can help to boost your mental wellbeing too. A 15-minute walk can work wonders more than you realise.
Mental health is just as important as our physical health. Just like you wouldn’t sit at home with a broken leg hoping it gets better on its own, the same goes for anxiety and depression you’ve carried around for weeks or months at a time. If you’re struggling, start here.

👩🏼🔬 Diabetes patients: we need your wee!
If you have diabetes, you’ll know all about the ACR urine test we ask you to do each year to make sure we can spot any early signs of kidney problems. Lately, we’ve been having some issues with patients using the wrong sample pots for this particular test – there are two pots involved, so it can be a little confusing at first. If you’ve been asked to bring a sample in and get handed two pots, staff should tell you which one to wee in. Please ask them or check with reception if you’re not sure – it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

💉 MMR vaccine: protection against measles, mumps, and rubella
Measles cases are still on the rise so we wanted to let our patients know that the MMR vaccine is available at the practice should you wish to get it for yourself or your child(ren). We are happy to answer any questions or concerns parents or carers might have with no judgment whatsoever. Feel free to ask us for a call back to discuss first or read more about it on NHS.uk.

📩 Had one of these through the post?
Bowel cancer screening kits are sent to everyone in England from the age of 60. These tests can help detect bowel cancer at an early stage in people with no symptoms. This is when treatment is more likely to be effective. Screening can also find polyps. These are abnormal clumps of cells in the bowel. Polyps are not cancers but may develop into cancers over time. Polyps can be easily removed, which reduces the risk of bowel cancer developing and regular bowel cancer screening reduces the risk of dying from bowel cancer.
They might seem a bit impersonal but the kits are easy and hygienic to use. If you receive one in the post, follow the instructions on the lid and this short animation (available in different languages) also shows you how to use the kit.
It is your choice whether you use the kit of course, but if a couple of uncomfortable minutes could save your life, we reckon it’s worth it. Here are some links to understand the process a bit more if you need them:
Bowel cancer screening: helping you decide

💬 The power of social prescribing
Social prescribing is non-medical support that helps patients focus on their social, emotional, and physical wellbeing. One in five GP appointments across England are for non-clinical issues that GPs can’t help with, and more and more GP surgeries are starting to offer it alongside their clinical team. We hope we can offer it as well to you in the future.
Social prescribing gives patients practical tools and advice to help them feel better and happier where medication can’t. This could be connecting with local groups or services that provide practical and emotional support. Here’s a bit of extra info in the meantime if you think it might be useful:
About Us | Medway Voluntary Action (mva.org.uk)
Strood Community Shop – For Strood, by Strood.