Patient Newsletter February 2024

Put your best foot forward with diabetes
People with diabetes are at risk of having problems with their feet and should have a foot check with a healthcare professional once a year. When you have diabetes, problems with your feet can become serious and damage to your feet could need emergency attention.
We have sent text messages to all patients who are due their annual foot check, so please call the surgery to book an appointment if you have received this text. For more information about looking after your feet if you have diabetes, please read this leaflet from Diabetes UK.
Things you might not know about contraception
Did you know that there are 12 different forms of contraception available in the UK? That means a lot of choice, but sometimes it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. The type that works best for you will depend on your health and circumstances.
The NHS contraceptive guide, Which method of contraception suits me? will help you to make an informed choice. Once you have read through this, book an appointment with us or the local contraceptive (or family planning) clinic to discuss your choices.
Making the most of those little moments together
The more we chat, play and read with our kids, the more we help build their brains. Any time, anywhere, whether at home or out and about, it all adds up.
There’s no need to buy lots of toys or have big days out. Wherever you are, simply chatting back and forth, answering your child’s questions and sharing special moments together all help their brain to grow and develop secure and strong connections. Just what they need to get off to the right start at school.
The Start for Life website is packed with simple ideas from other parents on how to build these little moments into each day. It includes lots of examples of tips and activities for you to do together with your child at different ages, as well as links to find further support in your local area.

World Cancer Day
As it’s World Cancer Day on 04 February, we’d like to take the opportunity to remind our patients about the cancer screening available at Apex.
Cervical cancer: cervical screening allows us to find changes in the cervix before they develop into something more serious and before you may have symptoms.
Bowel cancer: catching bowel cancer early before symptoms have a chance to develop means it’s easier to treat, and treatment is more likely to be successful.
Breast cancer: screening helps to find breast cancers at an early stage when they are too small to see or feel.
We hope that you’ll book an appointment if you receive an invitation letter and if you receive a bowel screening kit in the post, please use it. If you have any questions about cancer screening, please call or come in and talk to us.

Got medical equipment you no longer need?
Help your local NHS and social care services by returning medical equipment you no longer need. Local NHS services lose thousands of pounds each year due to missing equipment.
It’s good to talk
If you’re struggling with feelings of depression, or anxiety such as excessive worry, panic attacks, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress, or obsessions and compulsions, know that you can seek help through NHS Talking Therapies services. These are effective, confidential and free treatments delivered by trained clinicians, online, on the phone, or in person.
If you’re struggling with feelings of depression or anxiety, seeking help through an NHS Talking Therapies service can be one of the best steps you can take to overcome mental health issues and get back on track.
You don’t need to have a diagnosed mental health problem to refer yourself to an NHS Talking Therapies service. Getting support as soon as you start having difficulties can help to reduce their impact. The team at Apex can refer you for NHS Talking Therapies, or you can refer yourself online at